Universitaet Goettingen

How to cite GEOROC data

GEOROC compiles data from published, peer-reviewed literature. This work is provided free of charge and we ask that you use our data products for scientific and educational purposes only.

Use of data compilations downloaded from GEOROC is only permitted under the regulations of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0):

Data provided through the GEOROC Data Repository are covered by separate licensing requirements as stipulated by the provider of the dataset(s).

Please follow these guidelines for how to cite GEOROC data.

Data Download from Database Query

To cite the GEOROC database, please reference its URL in text and in figure captions: https://georoc.eu/. Please cite the specific download by giving the date and, if possible, parameters of the query. A summary of the query criteria may be viewed on the download page.

"Data were downloaded from the GEOROC database (https://georoc.eu/) on 1 March 2022, using the following parameters: geological setting = Continental Flood Basalt: Etendeka Province and rock name = basalt."

You should also cite the original references that contribute to the downloaded dataset. These references are included in every GEOROC download. For large datasets, we strongly encourage creating a secondary bibliography which is accepted as a supplementary material file by many journals. This type of citation helps ensure that appropriate credit is given to the scientists who originally generated the data.

You may further cite this publication:
Lehnert, K., Su, Y., Langmuir, C. H., Sarbas, B., & Nohl, U. (2000). A global geochemical database structure for rocks. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 1, 1012, doi:10.1029/1999GC000026.

Citing Precompiled Files, Expert Datasets or other datasets in the GEOROC Data Repository

Cite the dataset with its dataset DOI as a standard reference of your publication. The citation should include the following elements: Example:
DIGIS Team, 2021, "GEOROC Compilation: Rock Types", https://doi.org/10.25625/2JETOA, Goettingen Research Online / Data, V1.

You may also cite specific files within a dataset, for example:
DIGIS Team, 2021, "2021-11-2JETOA_ADAKITE.csv", GEOROC Compilation: Rock Types, https://doi.org/10.25625/2JETOA/AWTDMI, Goettingen Research Online / Data, V1.